As a small business owner, every move you make on behalf of your company matters a great deal.

Each decision can significantly impact your growth and success – for better or worse. This includes settling on the right look, finish and style for your product labelling.

Packaging defines a first impression, so it’s crucial to ask: Do your labels appropriately align with your branding? Do they conform to your established aesthetic and tone of voice? Will they encourage purchases, or at the very least, make your products memorable for potential future buyers? That’s where we come in.

Kingfisher Labels can assist with all of the above. Choose to overhaul your packaging with our support, and you’ll benefit from access to…

Affordable self-adhesive labels

The cost of high-quality labels can be prohibitive for smaller businesses with tight budgets. Thankfully, we’ve offset this issue for the SMEs we collaborate with, organising our machinery and manufacturing methods to make our self-adhesive labelling solutions as affordable as possible.

Our efficiency saves us money, and we pass those savings on to you. We’re proud to provide budget-friendly options without sacrificing individuality, customisability or raw product quality.

Flexible customer support

Creating complete satisfaction through flexible customer service could mean end-to-end support and expert advice, including in the initial design phase. Conversely, it might mean a more affordable, hands-off approach – a collaboration focused primarily on the manufacturing phase.

Whatever you need, we’re ready and waiting to deliver. You can come to us with a design and a clear sense of your planned labels, or we can start from scratch together.

Eco-friendly labels and manufacturing methods

If your SME is committed to protecting the environment and creating labels with a minimal carbon footprint, you’ll be pleased to find that our priorities align.

At Kingfisher Labels, we’re committed to our eco-friendly efforts. We’ve invested consistently – and continue to – in our range of eco-friendly labels, expanding our offerings and making sustainability-driven adjustments to our production techniques across the board.

Short print runs

Short print runs

Proud to serve small and large businesses alike, we diversify our offerings and methods accordingly. This means we’re better equipped than many other label manufacturers for the printing of short run labels and small batches.

Regardless of your order size, your small business won’t need to over-commit to access a good deal and a durable final product.

Creative labelling solutions

Beautiful, bespoke packaging that sets your brand apart is always the goal (and with the combined expertise of the Kingfisher team, it doesn’t need to cost your business an arm and a leg to stand out).

If you have an idea for your product and we can’t immediately facilitate it, we’ll creatively collaborate and problem-solve to bring it to life. Fresh innovations are constantly popping up in the printing industry, and we utilise each one with enthusiasm to better serve our customers.

Elevate your product labelling today

Planning to elevate your self-adhesive labels? Bring us along for the ride.

We keep our customers’ needs, priorities and preferences at the forefront, helping companies of all kinds to deftly juggle sales targets, marketing budgets and varying demand levels.

There’s a lot to gain from the expertise we’ve gathered over decades – and our track record of effectively serving small businesses speaks for itself!

If you’re ready to sample our self-adhesive labelling services, don’t hesitate to reach out and start a conversation.

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